
The Beatles - Let It Be and Yesterday Are they American English or British English ?

The Beatles Let It Be

Listening to this song, I found Paul's pronunciation is so interesting. They are from the UK but it sounds more like...well, much closer to American English.(for US market?)

The first I thought someone...,an American or a Canadian singer covered this on this video but it wasn't like that. Paul McCartney is singing this, for sure!
yes,I knew this song (of course!) but I've never listened it carefully before.

So the Beatles was always like that...? Are they Americanized British Group?
Despite they are the symbol of the British pop ?

But listen to the below !

The Beatles Yesterday

It sounds like British English....
Same singer, Same group.But they are so different...

So...I think they change (arrange) their pronunciation by songs, for some reason.

I'm not sure if it's true or not.But as if there is an answer fot this ?
Maybe the answer will be "Let it be !"

What about us ?
Maybe...We use Japanese English:)

In addition to this topic : These two songs have one thing in common that both are considered about Paul's mother named Mary ( not about Virgin Mary) who passed away when he was young.
"Let it be" is the words from his mother in his dream when he really was in trouble with other band members.
And "yesterday" is his missing and longing for her.But it also sounds like an experience of his heartbreak. How do you feel ?


Tokyo will host the 2020 Summer Olympic Games ! illustration of Japanese flag

Tokyo will host the 2020 Summer Olympic Games !
Congratulations,Tokyo !

and here's my illustration of Japanese flag.
Flickr: http://flic.kr/p/fLYLgV
Tokyo Olympics 2020 東京オリンピックおめでとう!日本国旗 日の丸 千曲市 温泉あんず 

Tokyo Olympics 2020
東京オリンピックおめでとう!日本国旗 日の丸 
千曲市 温泉あんず 


Gif animation on Blogger ; how it looks? try! There are always troubles.

Test: ... I failed ! There are aloways some troubles when i try to upload images on blogger. This service always like this?...lol... (I put some of my original widgets on the left of this site. But it took so long because of this problem) Okay... Let's try it again... come on...! nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! They are already in uploader (I succeeded it) but just cannnot put it HERE !!! Why?
"Why don't you come to Chikuma City?"
(adobe Illustrator & Photoshop drawing)

I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I switched the view "HTML" to"SAKUSEI:create". and thistime I made it.But I still don't know why...
Is this just an error or we always have to choose "SAKUSEI:create" When we put any images ? Hope there's someone familiar with the kind of problem,thx.


A Brief History of the United States of America

I put some widgets on the right of this page. And... I found a movie.
This is the histry of the USA ! It looks funny but it also contains cynical jokes include some social problems like guns, race discriminations.(The guide is a bullet !)

hope they can help your studying English on the Web.